Finally Back In the Groove

Conni Togel original landscape

Back To work – new landscape painting

Finally Back At Work!

we finally have made some space in my new studio to allow me to access my easel again – first thing I wanted to do in the new space, is paint a new landscape. While I love my Sheep Incognito, my traveling self needed to create a vista to get started again. This one incorporates lavender fields, clouds, and most likely will have some yellow fields of wheat somewhere – I love that color combination, so that is where this is headed. I am still working out which direction the fields of lavender will be going – I want the lavender to lead the viewer deeper into the landscape, rather than just being a snapshot of a field of flowers. By making it a lavender path type thing, that will guide the eye into the distance for a walk through Provence….now, if only I could add a scratch and sniff element…

music element in the studio today: Earth Wind & Fire on Pandora,,,for the groove…