“Our heads are round, so our mind can change directions….”
That is my mantra lately – some call it “squirrely”, others call it “uncommitted”, still others call it “creativity”. Whatever it is that makes us think around the corner, it is what hit me recently.
Sheep have happened. and, I love pInting them – they make me smile. But why stop there?
So I’ve started to add new critters, new media, and new techniques to my studio.
Most recently, my easel has been my ipad, with a nice painting app, to explore the process of digital paainting. It seems a much more portable and forgiving media – not to mention, that the juried fine art shows offer a digital media category that needs some smiles as well.
So here are my first endeavors with the new roadmap I am following for a bit:
llama painting by Conni Togel
And this is one in progress, that I have been working on this morning a title to be determined….
A new Alpaca Painting in the making
Let me know what you think – I always love feedback!
Oh, and, of course we will offer these as prints on paper and as hand-embellished giclée eproductions on canvas soon!
Keep an eye on my website: Charisma Art Gallery Website
this is a new painting I’ve started on this weekend – we have two shows happening this weekend in Nappanee, Indiana (Amish Acres Arts & Crafts Festival), and in Dublin, Ohio (Dublin Irish Festival), so we needed to beef up the walls of the booth…
Size: 24″ x 48″
Media: Oils on canvas
Starting with a quick sketch of Burnt Umber thinned with orange oil, I first established the general shape and figure, then painted the background in.
Initially I thought a black sheep would be the best, but with the background being a bit darker, the contrast will be to weak – so I am adding a warmer, wool colored touch to the sheep, to make it look less cold and stand out more.
Back in the Studio for a bit of painting – with a new one on the easel:
“Birds Of A Feather”.
Completed the initial sketch, not a bit of drying time, and then I’ll start adding the colors. This will be a new knitting painting for all my knitting, spinning, crocheting, weaving, sheep breeding, and Sheep Incognito friends. Of course, birding friends might like this one as well – though I’m not sure what breed these birds are…Kni-Twits?
We made it through this year’s Springtime shows in Florida, just in time for a bit more seasonal weather than we’ve had so far this year. Florida was colder than I ever remember it being for the past ten shows there – so hopefully that will statistically give us warmer temperatures for next year’s shows there.
With the rain and the cooler temperatures, we did not get to do a lot of venturing that we had planned to be doing this year – we spent quite a bit of time indoors, trying to dry out damp jackets and socks from the few times we did manage to go out.
We also spent quite a bit of time in mechanics shops – the mobile studio RV we travel in was having some severe digestion problems, causing it to stall out in the middle of traffic (always exciting to be the jackass at the front of the traffic jam in rush hour at a major intersection and be stuck there for 20 minutes or more.) We managed to oggle our way home with lots of stops on the way, so next week will no doubt bring more of that along with some major costs for repairs. But still – would not trade my job for the world. We meet quite a few “successful” people – stressed about their retirement funds they are trying to fill so they can do what we do when they are too old to enjoy it…I’ll take that pay cut and do things now instead.
My retirement fund is non-existent – might buy me a burger when I retire.
My investment fund – I think I remember having one, but don’t know if any of the companies are still alive. I prefer to invest in my kids instead.
My savings – hmmm…I think those went to the ex to buy my freedom from him.
My way of life – “disorderly”, “uncommon”, “unprecise”, “unplanned”, and “adventuresome” – yep. And what I was planning to do when my retirement fund was filled, my investment fund was doing well, my savings were enough to live on, and my kids were all grown.
I’ve decided life does not wait for you to accomplish things – you are meant to live, and roll with what comes your way. That is what I am doing. For better or for worse.
So in keeping with that, I’ve been spending some time in the studio again (liking the look of the word “Studio” much better than the word “Cubicle” for myself) – here is the status of the Work-In-Progress “Ewe’s My Sunshine”:
Ewe’s My Sunshine
The purple will be mostly covered by extra white wool, the sun will be more defined and a bit lighter. So far, I’m liking his face – makes me happy to see him sitting on my easel when I walk into the studio.
It is often easier for me to update the facebook page, than my blog here, because I can do that via my iphone. So your best bet is to go visit there as well for updates, specials etc.
Right now, we have the Sheep Incognito Spring Fling 2014 going on – search Twitter for #SISpringFling for special discounts on original paintings, out of print giclées, prints, etc.
If you are a yarn shop owner, contact me at conni.togel@gmail.com to inquire about our affiliate program.