NEW in the Herd: A Highland Cow Meeting A Soulmate: “Highland Rendezmoo”
A Lot had happened these past 2 Years: The mobile gallery for the Sheep Incognito has been parked, just waiting to get rolling again, after this pandemic is over. On the Family Front, there has been a graduation on the front porch, a wedding in the back yard, a birth of a beautiful grandson, and so many more things that all served to keep us from getting depressed about being stuck at home.
Painting had to take a break, with all those happenings going on – and it has evolved into more digital painting on the iPad, in ProCreate – because it’s nice to sit outside sipping coffee, while painting, instead of being cooped up inside.
Here is the latest of this new-fangled process I am still trying to master:
TITLE: “Highland Rendezmoo” – available on the website in various sizes and finishes: