Posted by Conni Togel at 09 January 2016, 17:40 |
Art Shows, Roadside Adventures, Sheep Incognito on the Road, Uncategorized
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We made it to our first show in 2016 in Dunedin Florida – our trailer had been stolen, broken into, everything dumped in the woods, and much of it destroyed, right before Christmas.
Nonetheless: Christmas was awesome, and it gave us at least a few days to be with family.
And, fortunately I have insurance that will hopefully cover most of the lost art and the damage to my show setup and other artwork.
So with beautiful weather under palm trees, life is still good.
Even with some rain and some flooding this afternoon, we still ate happy to have made it down here, even if the panels are crooked, the frames scratched, and some of the sheep a bit muddy – they still have the capacity to make people smile.
Which is nice.